It is all one to me if a man comes from Sing Sing Prison or Harvard.

Trainee position (m/f/d) - for the area of structural design / civil engineering
For motivated students in the field of structural design / structural engineering we offer internships and also working student contracts
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For the practical semester during or parallel to your studies as a student trainee, you have the opportunity to strengthen your theoretical knowledge from your studies with practical project work in the planning office. Our experienced team and our challenging structures will prepare you perfectly for your career start.
Are you interested? Then we look forward to receiving your detailed application documents:
Questions? Then please contact Thomas Grimaldi 0731 880 301 77

Apprenticeship as a draftsman (m/f/d) in the field of civil engineering
What you can expect from the apprenticeship
- 3-year duration
- 1. Ausbildungsjahr gewerbliche Berufsfachschule für Bauzeichner*innen in Vollzeit ( Baden-Württemberg); duales System ab dem 1. Ausbildungsjahr (Bayern)
- 2. und 3. Ausbildungsjahr im dualen System
Die Ausbildung im dualen System erfolgt gemäß den Vorgaben der IHK. Die Theorie wird in der Schule vermittelt und die praktischen Fertigkeiten lernst Du in unserem Planungsbüro.
Content of the training
- You will work closely with our structural engineers. You will convert their specifications and sketches into execution drawings.
- You will learn the basics of technical drawing at school and at our company. In our office, we draw exclusively with CAD systems on the computer.
- You will prepare quantity surveys for tenders and accompany engineers on construction site visits to gain insights into the construction processes on site
- At school, you will study topics such as construction planning, construction technology, building materials science and construction in depth
Your starting requirements
- At least good secondary school leaving certificate
- Good grades in maths and physics
- Good three-dimensional visualisation
- Enjoy technical drawing and working with a PC
- Good absorption and concentration skills
- Careful and structured way of working, ability to work in a team as well as conscientious and independent work
- Curiosity and ambition
Darauf kannst Du Dich freuen
- You join a competent and friendly team
- You will have a mentor at your side to get you started
- You will gain insight into exciting projects
- The training is varied and the future profession has very good prospects for the future
- After the apprenticeship you have further training opportunities
Are you interested? Then we look forward to receiving your detailed application documents:
Questions? Then please contact Thomas Grimaldi 0731 880 301 77